This is a Renault accelerated laboratory corrosion test method that can be used to determine the corrosion resistance of automotive assemblies and components. It is cyclic in nature, i.e.; test specimens are exposed to changing climates over time.
Test specimens are placed in an enclosed chamber and exposed to a changing climate that comprises of the following 3 part repeating cycle. 4.0 hours exposure to a continuous indirect spray of salt water solution, which falls-out on to the specimens at a rate of 1.0 to 2.0ml/80cm²/hour, in a chamber temperature of +35°C. This is followed by 2.0 hours of air drying in a climate of 20 to 30%RH at +60°C. This is followed by 2.0 hours exposure to a moistening (controlled humidity) climate of 92-98%RH at +50°C. The number of cycle repeats and therefore the test duration is variable.
The maximum transition times between each part of the test cycle are also specified as follows:
From salt spraying to air drying within 30 minutes.
From air drying to moistening within 30 minutes.
From wetting to salt spraying within 30 minutes.
This is an accelerated laboratory corrosion test method that can be used to determine the corrosion resistance of automotive assemblies and components. This test is cyclic in nature, i.e.; test specimens are exposed to changing climates over time.
Test specimens are placed in an enclosed chamber and exposed to a changing climate that comprises of pollution by chloride ions and exposure to hot/humid and hot/dry atmospheres. The entire test cycle comprises of a main cycle and a sub-cycle. 1 entire test cycle takes 24 hours to execute. The number of entire cycle repeats and therefore the test duration is variable.
The main test cycle begins with 30 minutes of salt spray (pollution) during which a continuous indirect spray of acidic (pH 4.0) salt water solution, falls-out on to the specimens at a rate of 4.0 to 6.0ml/80cm²/hour, in a chamber temperature of +35°C. This is followed by 5 minutes of air flushing (purging). This is followed by 5 minutes of wall rinsing, during which the chamber walls are rinsed with deionized water. This is followed by another 5 minutes of air flushing. This is followed by 1 hour 40 minutes of drying in a climate of 20%RH at +35°C with the transition from ~100%RH to 20%RH being linear over 1 hour 30 minutes . This is followed by 1 hour 35 minutes of drying in a climate of 55%RH at +35°C.
This is then followed by a repetitive sub-cycle comprising of 1 hour 20 minutes exposure to a humid climate of 90%RH at +35°C, followed by 2 hours 40 minutes of drying in a climate of 55%RH at +35°C. This sub-cycle is repeated 5 times in total, before the main test cycle starts again.
This Renault test is also referred to as an Essai de Corrosion Cyclique, often abbreviated to ECC-1.
This is an accelerated laboratory corrosion test method that can be used to determine the corrosion resistance of automotive assemblies and components. It is cyclic in nature, i.e.; test specimens are exposed to changing climates over time.
Test specimens are placed in an enclosed chamber and exposed to a changing climate that comprises of a relatively short period of salt spray, followed by exposure to hot/humid and hot/dry atmospheres. The entire test cycle comprises of a main cycle and a sub-cycle. 1 entire test cycle takes 24 hours to execute. The number of entire cycle repeats and therefore the test duration is variable.
The main test cycle begins with 10 minutes exposure to a continuous indirect spray of salt water solution, in a chamber temperature of +50°C. This is followed by 155 minutes of air drying at +60°C. This is followed by 75 minutes exposure to a high humidity climate of 95%RH at +60°C.
This is then followed by a repetitive sub-cycle comprising of 160 minutes of exposure to an air drying at +60°C, followed by 80 minutes exposure to a humid climate of 95%RH at +60°C. This sub-cycle is repeated 5 times in total and then the chamber is conditioned to +50°Cfor up to 10minutes before the main test cycle starts again.
Protection against physical & biological agents: Salt spray test
Can be used to test the relative resistance to corrosion of coated and uncoated metallic specimens, when exposed to a salt spray climate at an elevated temperature.
Test specimens are placed in an enclosed chamber and exposed to a continuous indirect spray of neutral (pH 6.5 to 7.2) salt water solution, which falls-out on to the specimens at a rate of 1.0 to 3.0ml/80cm²/hour, in a chamber temperature of +35C. This climate is maintained under constant steady state conditions. The test duration is variable.
For further information on French standards visit; www.afnor.fr