Corrosion Testing Standards

The test standard summaries are for general guidance only. Though believed to be accurate at the time of writing, this may change over time. So this information should not be used as a substitute for referring to a complete test standard, at an appropriate revision level.

Note: the terms salt spray, salt mist and salt fog are all in wide spread use within corrosion test standards. In this context they can be considered to be equivalent and interchangeable terms.

BS2011 第2.1 Kb部分



将试样置于封闭的腔室中(通常使用单独的盐雾室和受控湿度室),并暴露于包括以下2部分重复循环的变化气候中。 连续间接喷洒中性(pH 6.5至7.2)盐水溶液2.0小时,该溶液以1.0至2.0ml / 80cm² /小时的速率在+15至+ 35C的腔室温度下落到样品上。 随后在+40C的腔室温度下暴露于93%RH的高湿度气候下7天或20至22小时(取决于测试严重程度)。 循环重复次数因测试严重程度而异。


注意;BS2011 Part2.1 Kb 已被 BS EN 60068-2-52 取代。